Nature’s most spectacular sights

Photographer James Appleton from Cambridge braved the mighty flames of the Fimmvvrpuhals volcano and the frozen bite of the harsh Icelandic winter – and was rewarded with these incredibly rare shots.They capture two of nature’s most spectacular sights - the northern lights and an erupting volcano in Iceland - in a single shot.

Photographer James Appleton has spent the past seven years capturing the volatile and stunning landscapes of Iceland, and when he was told the Fimmvvrpuhals volcano was erupting, he immediately knew he had to see it.Working alongside vulcanologists, Mr Appleton, 25, got within a few hundred feet of the erupting volcano to get the perfect shot.

‘I never dared to hope it might actually happen, but seeing it for real put all the hairs on the back of my neck up.When I saw the photographs come through the camera I was jumping around with excitement.’ James Appleton said.

Sunset over the bay near Husavik

ice fields
Ice fields around the volcano

volcano erupts
A volcanic erupts on the Fimmvvrpuhals mountain pass in Iceland as Aurora Borealis lights up the sky

northern lights
Gas shoots into the air and molten lava starts to pour across the landscape as the northern lights flash

Volcano lava
Molten lava flows away from the eruption site
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