Sculptures made only using natural materials

Richard Shilling's land art involves making sculptures using only natural materials gathered near to where the sculpture is going to be made. He doesn't use glue or string and some of his work will last only a few short minutes before a change in the weather will sweep them away. Some of his art consists of different sized rocks balanced on top of each other precariously.

Richard, 39, draws his inspiration from fellow land artist Andy Goldsworthy. He accidentally came across one of Goldsworthy's sculptures while he was walking through a forest in Lancaster. He said: "I was walking on the hills near where I live and discovered an Andy Goldsworthy sculpture in the middle of nowhere. I was intrigued so I starting researching Goldsworthy's work and eventually started to make my own sculptures and ephemeral work a year later."

Stacked and balanced splinters of slate made at Ranipuwa

Evergreen leaves pinned to a Dogwood frame with thorns

Autumn Rowan leaves frozen into a disc of ice and positioned to catch the dawn sun at Birk Bank

Woven Dogwood and Willow wheel with autumn Norwegian Maple leaves backlit by the sun

Evergreen leaves pinned to a dogwood frame with thorns

English Oak leaves and Bracken stalks at a wood near Birk Bank

Sixteen leaf sections, from the darkest

Peat mud canvas spread onto a gritstone slab

Compacted powder snow supporting three discs of ice
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