Google office in london looks like big brother house

Google needs its engineers to come up with brilliant ideas, and to help them do that apparently a work environment like the Big Brother House will do the trick.

The search giant’s London headquarters in Victoria covers three floors, but last week some of its 350 staff began using a revamped engineering floor - called L4 - that has to be one of the trendiest in the world.

Meeting rooms feature strange angular sofas, the corridors look like the inside of the starship Enterprise and the workers can play pool and video games during their breaks.

Nelson Mattos, Google’s Vice President of Engineering, said: ‘We hire the brightest and best engineers in the UK and put them together in a highly creative, relaxed and exciting environment.’

One of the many relaxation areas in L4

Unconventional seating is a must at Google

The Coffee Lab serves 19 blends

L4 is paradise for creative thinkers

Google workers are treated to a pool table and games consoles

L4 does have futuristic meeting pods

Programmers are encouraged to play with toys

Cushions are all-important at Google

For bigger team talks bosses can use this state-of-the-art suite

One of the ultra trendy meeting rooms in the London office

Google trendy office for inspiration

Facility of music for employees

Rowing boat in office
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