America's secret air base exposed by google satellite

Google has been accused of compromising U.S. national security - by allowing aerial shots of secret military bases to be viewed by the general public through its online Maps program.

The discovery of a hidden airstrip at Yucca Lake in Nevada, which is used for testing the R-170 drones similar to the one lost in Iran last week, has raised further concern.

Details of the airfield, including a parking lot, security perimeter and ongoing construction are clearly visible

The satellite image, taken in early 2011 and available on Google Maps

'Google is making public what was once the sole province of the military and intelligence community, making this a brave new world for the intel agencies as well,' Cedric Leighton told

Aviation website Flight Global claimed to have discovered the secret Yukka Lake venue, which shows satellite images of either a Predator or Reaper drone on the airstrip.

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