9/11 victim's phones in display for 10th anniversary

The burned mobile phones of 9/11 victims are going on display in a exhibition to mark the tenth anniversary.

The devices which were still heard ringing as desperate family members tried to contact loved ones trapped in the rubble of the collapsed World Trade Center are a haunting memento of the 2001 attack. Rescue workers could also hear the phones ringing while they delved for bodies.

  A cross-section of Richard Reid's shoe.

Other items on show include the passport of failed shoe bomber Richard Reid, which is displayed alongside the matches he tried to ignite the fuse with, and the sedatives used to placate him. There is also a cross-section of his shoes, displayed alongside pieces of the engine and landing gear of United Airlines Flight 175.

North Tower's antenna stands in front of a backdrop of front pages.

The deeply personal exhibit also shows the wallet of Ruth McCourt, who was with her four-year-old daughter Juliana on the second plane to hit the towers.  They were visiting Disneyland. A picture of the pair together on the beach is also seen.  The museum's Susan Bennett added: "A lot of family members want to make sure there are public displays because they don't want people to forget what they lost that day."

Visitor looks at the remains of airplane engines. 
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