Water wonderful world

Photographer captures amazing images in a single droplet.
These incredible images are little drops of magic - capturing iconic images within a single droplet of water.

Photographer Markus Reugels spends hundreds of hours painstakingly trying to capture the impressive and beautiful images.Mr Reugels, from Schweinfurt, Germany, can spend weeks agonising over snapping the image just at the right moment - but the results are stunning.
This image of the globe from space looks uncannily true to life when pictured through a droplet of water. Photographer Markus Reugels spends hundreds of hours painstakingly composing these shots. This image has been flipped upside down due to the reversing lens-like effects of the water droplet.

In one of his images, an image of the earth from space sits neatly inside the water droplet.In another, the moon is brought into focus by a single drop of water, the flat image of the background distorted into a spherical result that appears uncannily true to life.

This image of the moon is given incredible clarity seen through the natural lens created by dripping water. Mr Reugels began taking the photos after he saw similar ones posted on an online forum. This image has also been flipped.

And in other humorous images, the Batman and Spiderman silhouettes are projected through the water.
This fleeting glimpse of a map of the world showing borders shows how the process can take flat images and make them look spherical.

Mr Reugels began his career as a family portrait photographer but began to take more artistic and adventurous images three years ago.He said: 'My pictures of the water drops are all taken with my self made setup rig - all handmade out of wood.

'I fix all my valves and flashes tot he contraption, and can put the image I want to project behind the dripping water.'Sometimes I take 500 pictures and only a couple of them are really perfect in my opinion.

The setup that Mr Reugels uses to capture the stunning images.
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